
Section of Comparative Immunology and Microbiology


明里宏文 Hirofumi AKARI  教授



1987年 鹿児島大学農学部獣医学科 卒業
1989年 鹿児島大学大学院農学研究科獣医学専攻 修了(農学修士)
1989年 京都大学ウイルス研究所 研究生(?1990年3月)
1994年 山口大学大学院連合獣医学研究科 修了(獣医学博士)
1994年 - 1995年 エイズ予防財団リサーチレジデント(国立感染症研究所・協力研究員)
1995年 - 1997年 科学技術庁(新技術事業団)特別研究員(国立感染症研究所・協力研究員)
1997年 - 2002年 徳島大学医学部ウイルス学教室・助手
1999年 - 2002年 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (USA); Research Fellow
2002年 - 2005年 国立感染症研究所 筑波医学実験用霊長類センター・主任研究官
2005年 - 2009年 独立行政法人医薬基盤研究所 霊長類医科学研究センター・疾患制御研究室長
2009年 - 現在 京都大学霊長類研究所 教授

ウイルスと霊長類 -はじめに-










GB virus-B (GBV-B)は新世界サルの一種であるタマリンから分離されたウイルスです。GBV-BはHCVに最も近縁なウイルスであり、GBV-B, HCV共にフラビウイルス科のヘパチウイルス属に分類されています。我々は、本邦で初めてタマリン/GBV-B 感染によるC型肝炎様症状の発症モデルを確立しました。すなわち、GBV-Bをタマリンに接種2週後から顕著なウイルス血症が認められるとほぼ平行して、肝炎マーカーであるALT値の上昇が見られました。このような急性肝炎時における肝組織について検討したところ、HCVによる急性肝炎に酷似した病理組織像が観察されます。さらに最新のデータでは、これまで困難とされてきたGBV-B長期慢性化例が複数の個体において確認されています。こうしたことから、GBV-B/タマリン感染・発症モデルはC型肝炎のサロゲートモデルとして創薬やワクチン開発のみならず、ヒトでは困難なウイルス感染初期における病態や慢性化に至る免疫回避機序の解明にも大いに有用であるものと期待されています。現在すでに国立感染症研究所や先端生命科学研究所、東京医科歯科大学と共同で、慢性肝炎発症機序の解析やワクチン・新規治療法の開発などの研究に取り組んでいます。




近年、徳島大の足立昭夫教授らのグループは、カニクイザル細胞で増殖可能な「サル指向性HIV-1クローンの開発に成功しました(PNAS 103, 16959-64, 2006)。サル指向性HIV-1は、HIV-1ゲノムをベースにサルエイズウイルスであるSIVmac由来vif遺伝子およびgag遺伝子の一部のみを組み込んだもので、ほとんどの遺伝子がHIV-1由来です。この結果からこれまで不可能とされてきた、HIV-1を用いた実験用サル類への感染モデル系の確立に新たな道が開かれました。我々は足立教授および俣野哲朗教授(東京大学医科学研究所)の研究グループと共同で、マカク属ザルに効率良く感染し病原性を有する馴化型HIV-1 の開発研究を精力的に進めています。この霊長類モデルはサルAIDSモデルの最終進化型とも言えるものであり、これによりHIV-1の基礎研究面のみならず、抗HIV-1ワクチンや新規治療法の有効性評価に関する前臨床試験が大きく進展するものと期待されています。








さまざまなサル類を用いた研究を行なう上で、それぞれの研究に応じたサル種の試料は不可欠です。しかし一般的にはサルの資料入手は容易ではありません。またサル個体を用いることが不可欠な研究において、特にこれまで報告や前例のない新規研究では、どのようなサル種が最適なのか判断に苦慮する場合が見受けられます。こうした状況で非常に重要となるのは細胞レベルでの解析ですが、これまでサル細胞といえばアフリカミドリザル腎臓由来くらいしか入手できず、これではとてもサル種ごとの比較検討など不可能です。私達は、独自の手法によりさまざまなサル種(現在11種)のリンパ球細胞株を樹立することに成功しました。このように同一の細胞由来、同一の手法で樹立された、多様なサル種の「霊長類細胞株ライブラリー」の樹立例は世界的にも例を見ない貴重なものです。すでに数種類の細胞株については理化学研究所細胞バンクヒューマンサイエンス研究資源バンク米国ハーバード大学Nonhuman Primate Reagent Resourceに寄託されており、無償での供与が受けられるようになっています。このような試みにより霊長類研究の基盤が整備されたのみならず、不必要な動物実験を回避する代替法としても非常に有効と考えられます。




連絡先:明里宏文 akari@pri.kyoto-u.ac.jp(スパム対策のため@は全角になっています。)



研究論文リスト*; corresponding author)

2000年-2009年 1990年-1999年



Kuroishi A, Saito A, Shingai Y, Shioda T, Nomaguchi M, Adachi A, Akari H, Nakayama EE: Modification of a loop between a-helices 6 and 7 of virus capsid protein improves human immunodeficiency virus type 1 replication in cynomolgus monkey cells. Retrovirology, in press.

Hassan R, Suzu S, Hiyoshi M, Takahashi-Makise N, Ueno T, Agatsuma T, Akari H, Komano J, Takebe Y, Motoyoshi K, Okada S: Dys-regulated activation of a Src tyrosine kinase Hck at the Golgi disturbs N-glycosylation of a cytokine receptor Fms. Journal of Cellular Physiology, in press. (July 7, 2009; Epub ahead of print)

Iwasaki Y, Akari H*, Murakami T, Kumakura S, Dewan MZ, Yanaka M, Yamamoto N: Efficient inhibition of SDF-1a-mediated chemotaxis and HIV-1 infection by novel CXCR4 antagonists. Cancer Science 100, 778-781, 2009. (Feb 24, 2009; Epub ahead of print)

Akari H*, Iwasaki Y, Yoshida T, Iijima S: Non-human primate surrogate model of hepatitis C virus infection. Microbiology and Immunology 53, 53-57, 2009.

Izumi T, Takaori-Kondo A, Shirakawa K, Higashitsuji H, Itoh K, Io K, Matsui M, Iwai K, Kondoh H, Sato T, Tomonaga M, Ikeda S, Akari H, Koyanagi Y, Fujita J, Uchiyama T: Mdm2 is a novel E3 ligase for HIV-1 Vif. Retrovirology 6, 1, 2009.

Hohjoh H, Akari H, Fujiwara Y, Hirai H, Wada K: Molecular cloning and characterization of the common marmoset huntingtin gene. Gene 432, 60-66, 2009. (Nov 24, 2008; Epub ahead of print)

Nakajima T, Ohtani H, Satta Y, Uno Y, Akari H, Ishida T, Kimura A: Natural selection in the TLR-related genes in the course of primate evolution. Immunogenetics 60, 727-735, 2008. (Sep 23, 2008; Epub ahead of print)

Kawada M, Tsukamoto T, Iwamoto N, Kurihara K, Takeda A, Moriya C, Takeuchi H, Akari H, Matano T: Gag-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte-based viral containment in a macaque AIDS model. Journal of Virology 82, 10199-10206, 2008.

Sato H, Leo N, Katakai Y, Takano J, Akari H, Nakamura S, Une Y: Prevalence and molecular phylogeneic characterization of Trypanosoma (Megatrypanum) minasense in the peripheral blood of amsll neotropical primates (Saimiri sciureus and Saguinus midas) after a quarantine period. Journal of Parasitology 94, 1128-1138, 2008.

Hiyoshi M, Suzu S, Yoshidomi Y, Hassan R, Harada H, Sakashita N, Akari H, Motoyoshi K, Okada S: Interaction between Hck and HIV-1 Nef negatively regulates cell surface expression of M-CSF receptor. Blood 111, 243-250, 2008.

Yokota T, Iijima S, Kubodera T, Ishii K, Katakai Y, Ageyama N, Chen Y, Lee Y-J, Unno N, Nishina K, Iwasaki Y, Maki N, Mizusawa H, Akari H*: Efficient regulation of viral replication by systemically administered siRNA with cationic liposome in a non-human primate surrogate model for hepatitis C. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 361, 294-300, 2007.

Hara M , Kikuchi T, Sata T, Nakajima N, Ami Y, Sato Y, Tanaka K, Narita T, Ono F, Akari H, Terao K, Mukai R. Detection of SRV/D shedding in body fluids of cynomolgus macaques and comparison of partial gp70 sequences in SRV/D-T isolates. Virus Genes 35, 281-288, 2007.

Ishii K, Iijima S, Kimura N, Lee Y-J, Ageyama N, Yagi S, Yamaguchi K, Maki N, Yoshizaki S, Machida S, Suzuki T, Iwata N, Sata T, Terao K, Miyamura T, Akari H*: GBV-B as a pleiotropic virus: Distribution of GBV-B in extrahepatic tissues in vivo. Microbes and Infection 9, 515-521, 2007.

Shirakawa K, Takaori-Kondo A, Kobayashi M, Tomonaga M, Izumi T, Fukunaga K, Sasada A, Abudu A, Miyauchi Y, Akari H, Iwai K, Uchiyama T: Ubiquitination of APOBEC3 proteins by the Vif-Cullin5-ElonginB-ElonginC complex. Virology 344, 263-266, 2006.

Fujita M, Akari H, Sakurai A, Yoshida A, Chiba T, Tanaka K, Strebel K, Adachi A: Expression of the HIV-1 accessory protein Vif is controlled uniquely to be low and optimal by proteasome-degradation. Microbes and Infection 6, 791-798, 2004.

Uda A, Tanabayashi K, Yamada YK, Akari H, Lee YJ, Mukai R, Terao K, Yamada A: Detection of Fourteen Alleles Derived from MHC Class I A Locus in Cynomolgus Monkeys. Immunogenetics 56, 155-163, 2004.

Akari H, Fujita M, Kao S, Khan MA, Shehu-Xhilaga M, Adachi A, Strebel K: High level expression of Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Vif inhibits viral infectivity by modulating proteolytic processing of Gag precursor at the p2/NC processing site. Journal of Biological Chemistry 279, 12355-12362, 2004.

Nguyen KL, Llano M, Akari H, Miyagi M, Poeschla EM, Strebel K, Bour S: Codon optimization of the HIV-1 vpu and vif genes stabilizes their messenger RNA and allows for highly efficient Rev-independent expression. Virology 319, 163-175, 2004.

Lee WW, Nam KH, Terao K, Akari H, Yoshikawa Y: Age-related increase of peripheral CD4+CD8+ double positive (DP) T lymphocytes in cynomolgus monkeys: Longitudinal study in relation to thymic involution. Immunology 109, 217-225, 2003.

Ueno F, Shiota H, Miyaura M, Yoshida A, Sakurai A, Tatsuki J, Koyama AH, Akari H, Adachi A, Fujita M: Vpx and Vpr proteins of human immunodeficiency virus type 2 up-regulate the viral infectivity by a distinct mechanism in lymphocytic cells. Microbes and Infection 5, 387-395, 2003.

Bour SP, Akari H, Miyagi E, Strebel K: Naturally-occurring amino acid substitutions in the HIV-2 ROD envelope glycoprotein regulate its ability to augment viral particle release. Virology 309, 85-98, 2003.

Fujita M, Yoshida A, Sakurai A, Tatsuki J, Ueno F, Akari H, Adachi A: Susceptibility of HVS-immortalized lymphocytic HSC-F cells to various strains and mutants of HIV/SIV. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 11, 641-644, 2003.

Sugimoto C, Tadakuma K, Otani I, Moritoyo T, Akari H, Ono F, Yoshikawa Y, Sata T, Izumo S, Mori K: Nef gene is required for robust productive infection of simian immunodeficiency virus in T-cell-rich paracortex in lymph nodes. Journal of Virology 77, 4169-4180, 2003.

Kao S, Akari H, Khan MA, Dettenhofer M, Yu X-F, Strebel K: Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Vif is efficiently packaged into virions during productive but not chronic infection. Journal of Virology 77. 1131-1140, 2003.

Khan MA, Akari H, Kao S, Aberham C, Davis D, Buckler-White A, Strebel K: Intravirion processing of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Vif protein by the viral protease and its possible correlation with Vif function. Journal of Virology 76, 9112-9123, 2002.

Tomiyama H, Akari H, Adachi A, Takiguchi M: Different effects of Nef-mediated HLA class I down-regulation on HIV-1-specific CD8+ T cell cytolytic activity and cytokine production. Journal of Virology 76, 7535-7543, 2002

Akari H, Bour S, Kao S, Adachi A, Strebel K: The HIV-1 accessory protein Vpu induces apoptosis by suppressing the NF-kB dependent expression of anti-apoptotic factors. Journal of Experimental Medicine 194, 1299-1311, 2001

Fujita M, Yoshida A, Miyaura M, Sakurai A, Akari H, Koyama AH, Adachi A: Cyclophilin A-independent replication of a human immunodeficiency virus type 1 isolate carrying a small portion of simian immunodeficiency virus SIVmac gag capsid region. Journal of Virology 75, 10527-10531, 2001.

Khan MA, Aberham C, Kao S, Akari H, Gorelick R, Bour S, Strebel K: Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Vif protein is packaged into nucleoprotein complex through an interaction with viral genomic RNA. Journal of Virology 75, 7252-7265, 2001.

Bour S, Perrin C, Akari H, Strebel K: The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Vpu protein inhibits NF-kB activation by interfering with bTrCP-mediated degradation of IkB. Journal of Biological Chemistry 19, 15920-15928, 2001.

Akari H, Yoshida A, Fukumori T, Adachi A: Host cell-dependent replication of HIV-1 mutants with deletions in gp41 cytoplasmic tail region is independent of the function of Vif. Microbes and Infection 2, 1019-1023, 2000.

Fukumori T, Akari H, Yoshida A, Fujita M, Koyama AH, Kagawa S, Adachi A: Regulation of cell cycle and apoptosis by human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Vpr. Microbes and Infection 2, 1011-1017, 2000.

Nam KH, Akari H, keiji Terao, Shibata H, Kawamura S, Yoshikawa Y: Peripheral blood extrathymic CD4+ CD8+ T cells with high cytotoxic activity are the same lineage with CD4+ CD8- T cells in cynomolgus monkeys. International Immunology 12, 1095-1103, 2000.

Yoshida A, Miyaura M, Sakurai A, Fukumori T, Fujita M, Akari H, Adachi A: MHC-I expression in HTLV-1-positive and -negative cells. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 6, 83-86, 2000.

Akari H*, Fukumori T, Adachi A: Cell-dependent requirement of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 gp41 cytoplasmic tail for Env incorporation into virions. Journal of Virology 74, 4891-4893, 2000.

Akari H*, Arold S, Fukumori T, Okazaki T, Strebel K, Adachi A: Nef-Induced major histocompatibility complex class I down-regulation is functionally dissociated from its virion incorporation, enhancement of viral infectivity, and CD4 down-regulation. Journal of Virology 74, 2907-2912, 2000.





Otani I, Mori K, Sata T, Terao K, Doi K, Akari H, Yoshikawa Y: Accumulation of MAC387+ macrophages in paracortical area of lymph nodes in rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) acutely infected with SIVmac239. Microbes and Infection 1, 977-985, 1999.

Fujii Y, Akari H, Machida M, Kojima E, Murakami K, Yoshikawa Y: Effective delivery of a lipophilic 6-chloro-2',3'-dideoxyguanosine (6-Cl-ddG) into rat lymphoid tissues. Experimental Animals 48, 241-246, 1999.

Akari H*, Uchiyama T, Fukumori T, Iida S, Koyama AH, Adachi A: Pseudotyping human immunodeficiency virus type 1 by vesicular stomatitis virus G protein does not reduce the cell-dependent requirement of Vif for optimal infectivity: functional difference between Vif and Nef. Journal of General Virology 80, 2945-2950, 1999.

Akari H, Fukumori T, Iida S, Adachi A: Induction of apoptosis in Herpesvirus saimiri-immortalized T lymphocytes by blocking interaction of CD28 with CD80/CD86. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 263, 352-356, 1999.

Sakai K, Iida S, Fukumori T, Akari H, Adachi A: Mutational analysis of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 vif gene. Virus genes 18, 179-81, 1999.

Iida S, Yamamoto Y, Fukumori T, Akari H, Adachi A: Compatibility of Vpu-like activity in the four groups of primate immunodeficiency viruses. Virus genes 18, 183-187, 1999.

Akari H*, Nam KH, Mori K, Shibata H, Otani I, Adachi A, Terao K, and Yoshikawa Y: Effects of SIVmac infection on peripheral blood CD4+CD8+ T lymphocytes in cynomolgus macaques. Clinical Immunology 91, 321-329, 1999.

Fukumori T, Kagawa S, Iida S, Oshima Y, Akari H, Koyama AH, Adachi A: Rev-dependent expression of three species of HIV-1 mRNAs. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 3, 297-302, 1999.

Adachi A, Iida S, Fukumori T, Tamaki M, Inubushi R, Shimano R, Oshima Y, Akari H, Koyama AH: Exchangeability of accessory Vif and Vpu proteins between various HIV/SIVs. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 3, 193-197, 1999.

Koyama AH, Akari H, Adachi A, Goshima S, Nishiyama Y: Induction of apoptosis in HEp-2 cells by the infection with herpesvirus simplex virus type 2. Archives of Virology 143, 2435-2441, 1998.

Shimano R, Inubushi R, Tamaki M, Akari H, Koyama AH, Adachi A: The non-env tropism of HIV/SIV. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 2, 541-544, 1998.

Nam KH, Akari H, Terao K, Itagaki S, Yoshikawa Y: Age-related alterations of major lymphocyte subsets in cynomolgus monkeys. Experimental Animals 47, 159-166, 1998.

Tokunaga K, Kojima A, Kurata T, Ikuta K, Akari H, Kawamura M, Inubushi R, Shimano R, Adachi A: Enhancement of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infectivity by Nef is producer cell-dependent. Journal of General Virology 79, 2447-2453, 1998.

Shimano R, Inubushi R, Amano K, Ogasawara T, Akari H, Kawamura M, Adachi A: Complete inhibition of SIVmac replication by its capsid mutants. Virus Genes 17, 43-48, 1998.

Koyama AH, Irie H, Fukumori T, Hata S, Iida S, Akari H, Adachi A: Role of virus-induced apoptosis in a self-defense mechanism against virus infection. The Journal of Medical Investigation 45, 37-45, 1998.

Tokunaga K, Kojima A, Kurata T, Ikuta K, Inubushi R, Shimano R, Kawamura M, Akari H, Koyama AH, Adachi A: Producer cell-dependent requirement of the Nef protein for efficient entry of HIV-1 into cells. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 250, 565-568, 1998.

Inubushi R, Shimano R, Koyama AH, Akari H, Adachi A: Functional roles of HIV accessory proteins for viral replication. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 2, 429-433, 1998.

Otani I, Akari H, Nam KH, Mori K, Suzuki E, Shibata H, Doi K, Terao K, Yoshikawa Y: Phenotypic changes in peripheral blood monocytes of cynomolgus monkeys acutely infected with simian immunodeficiency virus. AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses, 14, 1181-1186, 1998.

Kawamura M, Shimano R, Inubushi R, Akari H, Adachi A: Early function of HIV-1 Gag proteins is cell-dependent. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 248, 899-903, 1998.

Fukumori T, Akari H, iida S, Hata S, Kagawa S, Aida Y, Koyama AH, Adachi A: The HIV-1 Vpr displays strong anti-apoptotic activity. FEBS Letters 432, 17-20, 1998.

Nam KH, Akari H*, Terao K, Ohto H, Itagaki S, and Yoshikawa Y: Age-dependent remodeling of peripheral blood CD4+ CD8+ double-positive T lymphocytes in cynomolgus monkeys. Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 22, 239-248, 1998.

Kawamura M, Shimano R, Ogasawara T, Inubushi R, Amano K, Akari H and Adachi A: Mapping the genetic determinants of human immunodeficiency virus type 2 for cell tropism and replication efficiency. Archives of Virology, 143, 513-521, 1998.

Akari H*, Mori K, Otani I, Terao K, Ono F, Adachi A and Yoshikawa Y: Induction of MHC-IIDR expression on circulating CD8+ lymphocytes in macaques infected with SIVmac239 nef-open but not with its nef-deletion mutant. AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses, 14, 619-625, 1998.

Akari H*, Yagita H, Nishida T, Nakamaru K, Terao K, Yoshikawa Y, Adachi A: Selective induction of b7 integrin expression on lymphoid tissue lymphocytes undergoing apoptosis. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 244, 578-582, 1998.

Akari H, Yamamoto Y, Hiwada H, Saito Y, Takayanagi N, Koyama AH, Adachi A: Suppression of HIV-1 replication in peripheral blood mononuclear cells by fasudil. The Journal of Medical Investigation, 44, 211-214, 1998.

Fujii Y, Mukai R, Akari H, Machida M, Mori K, Takasaka M, Kojima E, Murakami K and Yoshikawa Y: Anti-viral effects of 6-chloro-2',3'-dideoxyguanosine (6-Cl-ddG) in rhesus monkeys acutely infected with simian immunodeficiency virus. Antiviral Chemistry and Chemotherapy, 9, 85-92, 1998.

Akari H*, Ono F, Sakakibara I, Takahashi H, Murayama Y, Hiyaoka A, Terao K, Otani I, Mukai R, Adachi A and Yoshikawa Y: Simian T-cell leukemia virus type 1-induced malignant adult T cell leukemia-like disease in a naturally infected African green monkey: implication of CD8+ T cell leukemia. AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses 14, 367-371, 1998.

Akari H*, Terao K, Nam KH, Adachi A and Yoshikawa Y: Comparative analysis of human and macaque monkey CD4: differences in formaldehyde lability and conformation. Experimental Animals 47, 23-27, 1998.

Kawamura M, Shimano R, Inubushi R, Amano K, Ogasawara T, Akari H and Adachi A: Functional domain mapping of HIV-1 Gag proteins. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 241, 317-320, 1997.

Fujii Y, Mukai R, Mori K, Akari H, Otani I, Kojima E, Takasaka M, Machida M, Murakami K and Yoshikawa Y: Efficacy of 6-chloro-2',3'-dideoxyguanosine (6-Cl-ddG) on rhesus macaque monkeys chronically infected with simian immunodeficiency virus. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes and Human Retrovirology 16, 313-317, 1997.

Otani I, Fujii Y, Akari H, Mukai R, Mori K, Ono F, Kojima E, Machida M, Murakami K, Doi K, and Yoshikawa Y: Effects of 6-chloro-2',3'-dideoxyguanosine (6-Cl-ddG) in surface lymph nodes of rhesus monkeys chronically infected with simian immunodeficiency virus (SIVmac239). Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 59, 891-896, 1997.

Furuta RA, Shimano R, Ogasawara T, Inubushi R, Amano K, Akari H, Hatanaka M, Kawamura M and Adachi A: HIV-1 capsid mutants inhibit the replication of wild-type virus at both early and late infection phases. FEBS Letters 415, 231-234, 1997.

Kawamura M, Shimano R, Inubushi R, Amano K, Ogasawara T, Akari H and Adachi A: Cleavage of gag precursor is required for early replication phase of HIV-1. FEBS Letters 415, 227-230, 1997.

Akari H*, Suzuki S, Ikeda K, Hoshino H, Tomono T, Murotsuka T, Terao K, Ito H, Yoshikawa Y: Prophylaxis of experimental HTLV-I infection in cynomolgus monkeys by passive immunization. Vaccine 15, 1391-1395, 1997.

Kannagi M, Nakamura T, Akari H, Kuroda MJ, Masuda T, Oka S, Iwamoto A, Kurata T, Higashi O and Harada S: Dual phasic suppression of viral replication following de novo human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection in lymphocytes of asymptomatic HIV-1 carriers. Leukemia 3, 545-547, 1997.

Akari H*, Terao K, Murayama Y, Nam KH, Yoshikawa Y: Peripheral blood CD4+CD8+ double-positive lymphocytes in cynomolgus monkeys are of resting memory T lineage. International Immunology 9, 591-597, 1997.

Fujii Y, Mukai R, Murayama Y, Akari H, Machida M, Mori K, Takasaka M, Murakami K, Yoshikawa Y: Efficacy of 6-chloro-2',3'-dideoxyguanosine (6-Cl-ddG) on an ARC/AIDS rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) infected with simian immunodeficiency virus. Experimental Animals 46, 83-87, 1997.

Akari H, Mori K, Terao K, Otani I, Fukasawa M, Mukai R, Yoshikawa Y: In vitro immortalization of Old World monkey T lymphocytes with Herpesvirus Saimiri susceptible to productive infection of Simian Immunodeficiency Viruses. Virology 218, 382-388, 1996.

Akari H, Goto Y, Shinjo T: Detection of the cellular membrane proteins on human T cell leukemia virus type I. Archives of Virology 140, 375-382, 1995.

Akari H, Kuroda MJ, Shinjo T, El-Farrash MA, Harada S: Exposure of p19 matrix protein of human T cell leukemia virus type I (HTLV-I) on the surface of MOLT-4#8 cells after virus adsorption. Archives of Virology 136, 389-395, 1994.

Aidoo M, Nishiwaki O, Akari H, Brandful JA, Ampofo W, Hayami M, Ayisi NK: Differential reactivities of antibodies to HIV and HTLV-I in sera of suspected AIDS and ARC patients. West African Journal of Medicine 13, 150-151, 1994.

Akari H, Kannagi M, Shinjo T, Harada S: Simple assay system for detecting human T cell leukemia virus type I-binding cells and its application in titrating binding inhibitory antibodies. Laboratory Investigation 69, 629-634, 1993.

Tomonaga K, Katahira J, Fukasawa M, Hassan MA, Kawamura M, Akari H, Miura T, Goto T, Nakai M, Suleman M, Isahakia M, Hayami M: Isolation and characterization of simian immunodeficiency virus from African white-crowned mongabey monkeys(Cercocebus torquatus lunulatus). Archives of Virology 129, 77-92, 1993.

Kawamura M, Katahira J, Fukasawa M, Sakuragi JI, Ishikawa KI, Nakai M, Mingle JAA, Osei-Kwasi M, Akari H, Hishida O, Tomonaga K, Miura M, Hayami M: Isolation and characterization of a highly divergent HIV-2 [GH-2]: Generation of an infectious molecular clone and functional analysis of its rev-responsive element in response to primate retrovirus transactivators (Rev and Rex). Virology 188, 850-853, 1992.

Akari H, Sakuragi J, Takebe Y, Tomonaga K, Kawamura M, Fukasawa M, Miura T, Shinjo T, Hayami M: Biological characterization of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 and type 2 mutants in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Archives of Virology 123, 157-167, 1992.

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